The entrepreneurial Kidz was founded in Staten Island, NY in 2010.  It started as a summer youth program and developed into a weekly cafe, designed by the children and leaders, called "It My Place Saturday Cafe".  The children created the name, wrote their own skit called the "Kandy Korner".  They really had a Kandy Korner at every event.  Each member of the Etrepreneurial Kidz received a key for life, receiving free snacks,  a position in the the skits, free admission to our events, gifts and other valuable incentives used to encouraged the kids and to teach them that there are rewards for doing good.  Currently, our youth in Charlotte, NC are working on a skit and a comercial for the Gospel Open Mic Explosion: Holiday Edition.

We urge you to bring your songs, dances, instruments, raps, skits, plays, demo tapes, monologues, comedy acts or anything that you feel will help to encourage our audiences and cause major breakthroughs for those who receive and to those who are  ministering using their God-given gifts!

Online or email submissions will also be accepted at [email protected].  

Every Entreprenuerial Kidz gets a Kandy Korner Key.  It's yours 4 life!
We teach the youth about real life teen issues: Teen Dating and violence.  Gun Violence.  Bullying and more.  Children act out the various topics and then older Youth and Adults review the information in lecture style or group discussions.
Warning:  The video below is a skit that was performed at a program that presented Domestic Violence Awareness.  The Event was called Obsessions and this scene was on teen dating and violence.  Supervision is advised when viewing the content of this film enacted by our youth program.  Domestic violence scenes.
One of our Entrepreneurial Kidz Projects at the Power Center in Staten Island, NY